Ravi Lulla and Damon Benning kickoff a Thursday Hurrdat Sports Radio discussing the coaching resumes of the new hires for Nebraska football and Bill Belichick’s move to North Carolina. New York City expects Nebraska fans to travel despite the holiday and the temperatures. Nebraska’s defense will need to be restocked, and Creighton and Nebraska volleyball and basketball are geared up for big weekends.
The Huskers Radio Network Ben McLaughlin, Mark Holtzmann with Bad Boy Mowers Pinstripe Bowl, Brian Edwards of MajorWager.com, Michael Bruntz of Huskers247, and Jacob Padilla of Hurrdat Sports join the show.
00:00 – Coaching Resumes in College Football
22:41 – Bill Belichick’s New Job in North Carolina
32:45 – Football Coach or Navy SEAL?
44:31 – No Complaints About a Bowl Game with Ben McLaughlin
1:08:18 – Sea of Red in Manhattan with Mark Holtzman
1:19:34 – NFL Weekend Picks with Brian Edwards
1:30:53 – Restocking the Nebraska Defense with Michael Bruntz
1:54:37 – Bet On It – LOCKS of the Day
2:05:17 – Creighton/Nebraska Volleyball & Basketball Talk with Jacob Padilla
Follow Ravi and Damon on X:
Ravi: http://twitter.com/ralulla
Damon: http://twitter.com/damonbenning
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About Hurrdat Sports Radio: Join Ravi Lulla and Damon Benning each weekday from 7-10 a.m. on Hurrdat Sports Radio. Hurrdat Sports Radio dives into the latest sports news in the state of Nebraska, and shares a fresh perspective while keeping you highly entertained. Whether you’re in your car, at home, or at the office, you can enjoy Hurrdat Sports Radio whenever you are!
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#Huskers #PinStripeBowl #CollegeFootball