Sausha Durkan

Sausha Durkan

About Sausha Durkan

With 15+ years of experience in sports media, video production, audio production, photography, and social strategy, Sausha Durkan has established herself as a versatile and creative professional in the sports industry. A native of Sioux Falls, SD, Sausha joined Hurrdat Media and Hurrdat Sports after beginning her career working with 1620 the Zone, the Omaha World-Herald, and the Omaha Storm Chasers (MiLB).
She earned her associate degree in sports media from Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, IA, where her passion for storytelling and sports took root.

When she’s not creating content or covering sporting events, Sausha enjoys watching or playing sports and capturing too many photos of her dogs.

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